Matthew 5:27-37 - Live before God

"Lets not pretend this is easier than it really is."

So if my eyes sin, I should gouge it out. I'll have no body parts left very soon. But it actually works! A couple of months ago I'd say this splinter would've been poking right into me, so I tried to take the whole entirety of it out of my life. It may not seem like a good thing, but at least it's not bothering me anymore.

"Your heart can be corrupted by lust even quicker than your body."
Lust. Reminds me of Leon Lai's song "my eyes want to travel". Maybe it's my upbringing, but yeah, perhaps I should cut down on it.

"And don't say anything you don't mean... You don't make your words true by embellishing them with religious lace."
I think we get into the habit of saying really religious sounding things, because it makes us look better and makes other people feel more "Godly comforted". I always feel so cared for whenever people say they'll pray for me. But whenever I say that to people, most of the time I only pray about it for the first night, unless I put it down on my prayer points list, otherwise it'll just slip my mind. Nevertheless, it still feels good to say "I'll pray for you".

There are always those situations where I need to say things I don't mean. Well I don't need to, but I think I've become too comfortable in my facade, it's always easier to keep it up than to just let go and not act the person everyone expects you to be, right? Especially for me, maybe because I'm so bad at resisting pressure, I always try to impress people or pretend to be better than I am. Saying the right things, acting a certain way in different situations, hiding my weaknesses and actively changing them etc.