Jeremiah 38:1-6 - Bad things happen to very good people


I'm so ashamed, the first thing I thought of when I put myself in Jeremiah's shoes was to shout to God "please lift me up!!". What does it really mean to be satisfied in His company? I don't really know, because I want more. I always do. I always think that I've prioritised Him first, but while doing that, I'm actually looking for something more.

If I were sinking in the mud, I would've been so disappointed in God already.

There's someone around me who's in that situation at the moment, I think maybe I need to go and help. Everyone's against that person and God doesn't seem to be talking. Maybe it's a good time to go and lift someone up.

Jeremiah 33:2-3 - I will answer you


I love the prophets books, because it's full of promises.

This is another promise.

But firstly, we have to call to Him before He answers us.

I tried waiting... but I think I can't quiet down enough. So many other noises blocking it out. It seems I need spiritual Noise Cancelling Earbuds.

16 Sep 2009


i'll start (srsly, next time i song lead i'll hav nothing to share cuz u guys kno all my God encounters =/)

im gonna focus on last sunday when ks n holly took me to morling college to do a 2 hr outdoor devo on 2 sets of passages.
1st passage told us to come to Him all those who r weary. i sat under a tree right, n im like God, if U want me to come, then where r U? then a gust of wind blew n all the twigs/leaves harrassed my leg n all the birds above me started screaming their lungs out n i got really scared cuz i hate birds... n im like okay God, Ur everywhere i kno i kno u can stop now. then near us was 2 infant kids with their dad, the kid was like "IM THIRSTY!!!" n the dad's like "okay come i'll giv u water!" n it was a good illustration how God provides but doesn't just chuck us stuff our way, we havta come to Him first.

2nd passage (mark 4:35-41) freaked me out cuz it was the passage i devo'd on 2yrs ago when i received my 1st calling. n ks even made me read it out before we split to devo. i asked God "did u prepare both passages just for me? they both speak right to me" n then He told me "no I prepared the entire bible for u" that's when i kno im screwd for life. Jesus is a trickster, He tells ppl to come do things with Him, then the storm comes (which is something we hav no control over n we can't do anything about), n He only helps us when we call... n then we get scolded. the verse that spoke the most was "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" n i told Him no... i don't hav NO faith... i hav very little faith, its there :D He ignored me but. bet He's laughing at me.

9 Sep 2009


Below is what I wrote while providing devotional pointers from Psalms to some brothers and sisters.

day 1 ch1 - action n prayer point was for my life to b a blossoming tree right, n God used me at work to trick ppl into reading the Bible, n that they now kno im religious n r starting to attack me with questions like "where's God in the flood" etc etc, which is good! my fav verse in chinese is actually v2 惟喜愛耶和華的律法,晝夜思想,這人便為有福. so its really reminded me of wt i havta do... im hoping that 1 day i'll b so addicted that when i close my eyes all i can fink of is His Word (like when i was addicted to warriors orochi :S)

day 2 ch8- action point was to praise. since monday i've been worried sick abt wt i'd havta do in sunday school with alwin n nara's situation, whether i'd b ready to handle it since friday was the predicted day... but u guys all kno wt happened, definately(i spelt it rite) worthy to b praised. my fav image is v4 "wt is man that u r mindful of him, the son of man (notice its not capitals) that u care for him?" this is the best reminder 4 me.. cuz there's significantly more ppl around me who i dun care abt than ones i do... so wt does it really take for 1 to care about another? but wtever it is, we're not worthy to b ruler anyway

day 3 ch4- when i evaluated myself (v4-5) i realised that i dun hav the faith that david does... some things when i pray abt, im really faithful n confident that He'll hear it, but others, especially when i pray for others, im really doubtful, n my heart is definately not quiet n silent... n v5.. the "right" sacrifices... its the difference between Cain's n Abel's sacrifices.. this day was the 1st day when i told ks that im doing this 4 u guys... n ks's been trying to get me to slow down n stop taking up stuff for a long time, so he was against it. but after knowing that u guys actually do it, we decided that it IS a sacrifice that's acceptable to Him. cuz for someone to hav the heart to do devo, its nothing at all to do with the devo material, cuz there r really good devo materials out there, but HEAPS of ppl don't do devo. it was definately the works of the Spirit, so ... if the Spirit is on my side.. then i dunno wts a better indicator that the sacrifice is accepted!

day 4 ch13- as i mentioned in the material, i prayed for directions n clear orders from God my Commander. nothing happened during the day until after ubf when we hung at maccaz for like 3hrs... dunno whether i shared w/ u guys before... i've had a calling to do ministry in 1st yr during devo in church training, elon was there. a 2nd calling last yr when my outreach partner randomly urged me to do ministry. n i sed i won't do anything until i get a 3rd confirmation... well i bloody got it -______-" vinh randomly talked abt how he finks i can do wt his friend lyn does.. use my commerce degree n work for a mission organisation n go with them on mission trips... -_____-" never...ever... pray for anything my friends! cuz HE frekin answers

day 5 ch23 - a hebrew shepherd carries a club n stones to fend off lions/bears/jackals/hyenas for the sheep (ps 23:4), a staff as walking stick n direct the sheep. they havta find new pastures for their sheep to graze, find a well for water, find a safe place for sheep to sleep at night. the shepherd knows each sheep by name. =] enough said. i dun even kno y we needa do anything... its all there

day 6 ch27 - fear comes from "loss". like ur scared of scary movies cuz u lose "security", darkness cuz u lose "sight", embarassment cuz u lose "face" etc etc. but fear is illogical, u can't reason someone out of fear, like u can't say to someone scared of heights "5storeys isn't that high! look down!" they'll still b scared... im scared of a lot of things, but knowing that the Lord is my stronghold, it eases "some" fear cuz Mark 5:36 "don't b afraid; just believe" im scared n worried about a lot of things atm, i just hope that whatever method i choose to deal with the issues, i'll consult God

Jeremiah 28:10-17 - Consequences that burn


Hananiah had to bear the consequence of death for blaspheming.

Then I guess I'll have to bear the consequence of not fixing my eyes on Him enough, having so much selfish ambitions, having so little faith.

Lord, if You would just give me answers to all my questions...

Jeremiah 20:7-10 - Telling God what we really think


Our generation is the first generation to be exposed to so many people, so many things and so many ideas at at young age due to technology. We really know how to act when we're around people, that's if we're not Otakus. The problem is that we know what to say, and what not to say, and we're always really appropriate.

We talk to God the same way. We tone it down, so much. Whatever happened to the raw emotions that people used to give through communication? I really want to include the good the bad and the ugly, as long as it's honest.

Jeremiah 13:1-11 - Rotten as old shorts


Ambiguous passage.

What is the "linen belt"? When it rotted, did it symbolise us putting God aside? Or did it symbolise our spiritual deterioration?

Our hearts are rotten. And God rebukes us.

I think I'm being rebuked... in my academic area of life...

Jeremiah 8:18-9:3 - A Time to Grieve


Not sure whether it's just coincidence or did You really plan it! But... right now it is a time of grief for our church. An aunty passed away this morning, and the fellowship that I'm part of is falling apart spiritually. It breaks my heart, and it has been like this since last year when nobody was willing to go to our prayer meeting.

There's division in the church, people who can't stand others and which in turn leads to falling attendance in events.

Why the heck is it happening?

Doesn't nobody care about why we go to church any more?

Jeremiah, this is probably nothing compared to what it was like for you... but still...

Jeremiah 1:5 - God's knowledge of us


I do believe that before I was born, God already had a plan for me.

I've been thinking a lot about whether there is point in what I'm doing... A commerce degree. But my passion is in youth ministry, not in numbers and the market, that's an interest not a passion. Lord, please tell me what You have designed my life to be like.

Today the speaker at church spoke about how He prayed for God to show him what he can do for him, and God led him to work with one of the poorest and most violent areas of Sydney. The organisation is called Urban Neighbours of Hope. It really struck me because I'm living in a sheltered bubble here, doing a commerce degree. There has to be more to life than this.



Devotions on the book of Jeremiah

Isaiah 65:17-22 - Anticipating the Workings of God


Isaiah is a book full of promises, full of hope for His people - which includes me. The one reason why people look forward to the New Heavens and the New Earth is that there is something wrong with the world we live in now.

Why do infants die before their first steps?
Why do our work sometimes not bear fruit?

But when the new age comes, when Christ reigns, it will be all better. No more being as tired as I am now, no more toiling through uni with no results.

4 Sep 2009


A lot has happened lately. So many things to have to pray for specifically, and so much suffering around. It's scary.

Auntie went into hospital to have a brain surgery, which failed. She had half a stroke from the surgeon accidently cutting a vein and was in critical stages for 24hours. I visited when she was still unconcious, but I didn't stay long in the ward. I really can't stand hospitals. Aunty has since been discharged - all well and can even speak softly. The family has such strong faith, and is now using this as a testimony to glorify Your name.

Auntie came back from Germany for alternative cancer treatments. It's not looking good. Everyone's been visiting and keeping the kids company... It's so awesome. We sang to auntie today, it's such a beautiful song how could I have not noticed it before?

I'm so tired, sleep seems to be such a luxury. I'm living on mints because I don't believe in caffeine, and strong mint is 2nd best to do its job!

But through all this stuff, I know that You delight in me and that You look after me. Even when I'm so weak and tired and I can't do anything, You show me who's actually doing the work. When I go to work with my best game, I sell nothing. I go as a zombie, You sell for me. Thank You!

Isaiah 62:2-5 - Jesus Comes to You


God delights in me. So much that I'll get a brand new name bestowed by Him.

For most Asians, I find that they are extremely harsh on themselves. We’re like expected to do well in every aspect, and in particular, do well academically. I remember a girl who topped Computer Studies, but cried because she was expecting full marks, but accidently made a minor mistake. We put ourselves down so much.

But God gave us a new name and delights in us still.