i'll start (srsly, next time i song lead i'll hav nothing to share cuz u guys kno all my God encounters =/)
im gonna focus on last sunday when ks n holly took me to morling college to do a 2 hr outdoor devo on 2 sets of passages.
1st passage told us to come to Him all those who r weary. i sat under a tree right, n im like God, if U want me to come, then where r U? then a gust of wind blew n all the twigs/leaves harrassed my leg n all the birds above me started screaming their lungs out n i got really scared cuz i hate birds... n im like okay God, Ur everywhere i kno i kno u can stop now. then near us was 2 infant kids with their dad, the kid was like "IM THIRSTY!!!" n the dad's like "okay come i'll giv u water!" n it was a good illustration how God provides but doesn't just chuck us stuff our way, we havta come to Him first.
2nd passage (mark 4:35-41) freaked me out cuz it was the passage i devo'd on 2yrs ago when i received my 1st calling. n ks even made me read it out before we split to devo. i asked God "did u prepare both passages just for me? they both speak right to me" n then He told me "no I prepared the entire bible for u" that's when i kno im screwd for life. Jesus is a trickster, He tells ppl to come do things with Him, then the storm comes (which is something we hav no control over n we can't do anything about), n He only helps us when we call... n then we get scolded. the verse that spoke the most was "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" n i told Him no... i don't hav NO faith... i hav very little faith, its there :D He ignored me but. bet He's laughing at me.
16 Sep 2009
Posted by H T at Wednesday, September 16, 2009
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