Prayer Answered... a little quick

Well referring to the dilemma I had earlier this week, whether to go into politics or not... God answered me pretty quickly. The problem was that if I decided to go into politics, then I'll have to drop some church ministries to free up some time.

I spoke with a couple of my mentors in my walk... I decided that I won't do anything that ANY of my mentors disagrees. Because even though it seems like it's a small decision in life, whether to commit yourself to a taskforce is a decision similar to whether to join a sports club, but it requires me to drop my serving, and is that what God wants me to do? I knew that if that wasn't God approved, I will not receive the blessings of my mentors. All of them agreed to support me, except for one who asked me to rethink and don't rush my decision. Ask God to give me an answer rather than reason with myself. I did just that.

The day after I prayed about it, I received a phone call from my boss saying that my casual hours are getting more and more difficult for him to justify to management, as they're looking for full timers. So I told him I understand the situation, and backed off myself. Well in a sense it's more like getting fired, but it was a mutual one. This solves many problems. Time is no longer an issue, and I've always wanted to quit my job but I was held back by the money I was getting. I knew God had so much more for me to do with my time, than to earn money. Heck I'll be spending the rest of my life working anyway, this prime time is supposed to be for serving.

Lord, I thank you for answering so quickly, because I'm a very indecisive person. I also thank you for giving me the opportunity to work at that place because it was such a miracle for me to get that job. It won't make sense if I became a Jonah and moan that you took away something that you gave me... So take me where you want!
