30 Apr 2010

Think it's time to reflect back on camp before it's too late, and I forget everything.

So this camp wasn't like the other ones we've had. It wasn't "awesome", like I hyped it up to be. The food was bleuah as usual, and the accommodation... we were kind of far away from our conference room and the food. It was kind of annoying travelling everywhere. Most people spent their free time studying, while I spent my free time attempting to study.

But something that I really liked was how we don't have any barriers. As in... when we played Monopoly Deals, there were primary kiddos, juniors, seniors, uni kids, workers... all playing together. This is what we all chose to do, as it was free time. It's different to when other churches say how they bond so well during activities, when the groups were chosen for them. Also, when I was bullying someone into cleaning my plates up for me, everyone else pounced on that guy to carry their stuff. Then 2 girls came over and offered to take everyone else's so he wouldn't be swamped. I don't know, but I think we've come pretty far.

Something to bring home - no, not 186,000 miles per second is the speed of light and 5.88 trillion miles is a lightyear. It wasn't Betelgeuse, Mu Cephei nor Canis Majoris either. But the importance of slowing down. We had this workshop for people in a hurry, no surprises there I ticked all the boxes for symptoms. Maybe that's why I have random PMS moments when my self discipline wanes.

Will practice: no watches, don't compare faster lanes when driving or shopping, don't look at the time, always say no, do things earlier.

I'm not sure if anybody else noticed it, but when everyone started doing the whole "woah, woah, woah slowwww your roll!" thing, it was after our workshop and I reckon that was pretty cool.

In my world, I'm a giant. Everything's about me. But I'm actually so insignificant. Earth, or even the Milky Way, is nothing compared to the rest of the universe, and that's only talking about the Known Universe, as we keep finding new stuff. I liked how Louie Giglio kept zooming out to different planets... to show how small Earth is. But yet, we're actually quite big... Because even before creating us, the salvation plan was already there. We mean a lot. We are probably giants in God's heart. And that diagram about how the ray of sunlight goes past Earth... it's so precise. Imagine if Earth were a few degrees off its angle, or a little closer to the Sun or a little off from the Sun. We'd either freeze or melt, or live without sunlight. That's how much effort He spent in making our perfect place to live.

Action Point: To live small, like what I'm supposed to be.

你們親近神, 神必親近你們

I remember that song I wanted to lead last time, but was shut down.

Center of Attention by Jackson Waters
You want your independence
But you wont let me let you go
You wanna test the waters
And leave it on the empty shores

But I'll take my time if you want to
And I'll give you what ever you need
And I'll wait a lifetime to give it to you
Give in to you

You think that you're the sun
The whole world revolves around you
The center of attention
And everything is drawn to you

But I'll take my time if you want to
And I'll give you what ever you need
And I'll wait a lifetime to give it to you
Give it to you

I would wait a lifetime
And I would wait for you

I would wait a lifetime
And I would wait for you

But I'll take my time if you want to
And I'll give you what ever you need
And I'll wait a lifetime to give it to you
Give it to you