The way you move ain't fair, you know?

Sorry Train, I pulled a line out of your song, out of context.

Was in such a bad mood last night, because after being tripped over, pushed, leaned by that slightly larger girl from the other team, before she got fouled off she fit in another charge at my right arm. My shoulder/arm joint area was in pain whenever I moved my right arm. The way you move ain't fair, you know? So I spent the whole night feeling discontent.

So the feeling carried on into the morning, and mornings are the worst time of the day. Something really bad happened earlier today, and I had such evil assumptions about this person. Thinking they must've intentionally tried to trick me. In the end, I found out that it was just an honest mistake and that person had the best intentions for me. But there I was, silently assuming the worst about them.

Started my thought journal. I'll be carrying that around with me everywhere, even though my friends seem to think that I'll leave it on the train within a week.

Saw my friend being caught by the concession cityrail guards this morning, and he was getting fined. To save him the embarassment, I pretended not to see him and walked by really quickly without saying hi. Don't know whether it was the right thing to do.

Bought a new motherboard to revive my home Desktop, which has died. I've finally been convinced that spending $70 on an obsolete computer, in this financial situation of mine, is still more worth it than spending $1000 on a powerhouse. But while I was there at the computer shop, I impulse bought a $38 TV Tuner... at least I'm improving!