Mark 5:25-34 - Telling your whole story

This is one of the more memorable stories of the gospel, as I discovered in Matthew.

Well, the one thing that screamed at me this time, was the fact that Jesus took the time to listen to the whole story of the diseased woman. One minor detail that seems to be forgotten in this story, was the fact that Jesus was on His way to heal someone else. But He was patient enough to hear the entire story.

If I were the woman, I wouldn't want it to be that public, since the entire town probably knew of my condition before this. But this embarassing conversation in front of everyone will actually act as a declaration that I am now clean, so I can live my normal life again without being discriminated against. 

"Daughter, you took a risk of faith, and now you're healed and whole. Live well, live blessed! Be healed of your plague."