I've been wasting the past weeks or so. Last week was stuvac, I've only taken the Vac part of the word, and not the first bit.
But it was a nice time off to spend some little time with parents, and share with them what's going on, like how I'm no longer allowed to teach yr11-12 next year. And about how big my favouritism has blown up into.
But I think Thursday was when I saw You the most. I spent the afternoon with a sister and brother, to buy baptism presents. Penrith is heaps far, whenever I lift others back to places like West Pennant Hills or something, deep inside I'm like "sigh... so far..." But some people you don't need to count what you've done, and what they've done for you (quoted from someone last night). So is that how Jesus can pay for all our stuffs without feeling ripped?
The brother reminded me of how much money others owe me, and I thought, well, my bank account is down to 1/3 of what it was before. But I don't care. Because with some people, money isn't that important. Oh biasedness.
2 members of the English congregation was baptised on Sunday. One was my ex-student, and one was a little trainee kid who I've spent time with. I was like the proudest parent ever, because even their own parents only parented one of them =p and I had both.
Yesterday I was talking to someone who I never talk to, and she randomly said how she wanted devotional material. So I kind of regurgitated what I did on devotion yesterday. At night, she replied to my email with what she got from the devotion... and questions she had for me... =/ Saddening. Someone who doesn't even treat me as a leader, a mentor, would treat my work so seriously. And people I'm trying to mentor, doesn't.
Today You put an idea in my head, a prayer page? Really? To keep track of how You keep to Your words? Okay.
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