Isaiah 43:1-4 - You're Mine

Initially when I read the passage, I though, what? God is a biased God and is willing to trade off all the lives of the Egyptians and people in Cush and Seba just so Israelites can have their way? What happened to loving the world, and if Jesus' life was okay to redeem the world, and the world's lives are okay to redeem Israel, through "transitive" mathematics, does that mean Israel > Jesus?

Then I remembered a story from a sermon. A pastor loves all the kids in the church, but he favours his own kids because they're his. The same goes for God. He loves the world, but He favours His own children (us) more than the others because we are exclusively His. Before Jesus' coming, Israelites were the only chosen ones who were exclusive to God, therefore they get special treatment.

Then I thought, if God is willing to trade all these things for me, then why do the "others" all have this "thing" that I want, and I don't? Maybe it's greed, and I'm not content with what I have. But I've wanted it for so long, they've all got it, but I don't. But yet, I'm still His. He said my road won't be a dead end, it's a promise.