Proverbs 29:7-27 - Noticing the Needy

Biblically, the needy or the poor people are the widows, orphans and foreigners. In some sense they still apply but there are more people who are needy nowadays I think.

I consider myself quite cold hearted when it comes to the poor, except for the misfortunates. I feel very sympathetic towards the misfortunate people such as the disabled, work injured etc, but I think they don't like sympathy anyway. Other than that, I think I have a prejudice against the healthy poor.

Numerous times I've been told that it's not up to me to judge the poor, whether they are abusing the system or genuinely need help. Mainly because I've never felt their hardship.

"The good-hearted understand what it's like to be poor; the hardhearted haven't the faintest idea."

I think I haven't the faintest idea.