How to cook an Eggcellent breakfast in 1minute

Serving size: Serves 1
Cuisine type: Australian
Cooking time: 1minute

1 Egg
1g Salt

Break the egg into a bowl, but if you like thin eggs, get a shallow wide'ish dish-like bowl. Poke the yoke with something so it breaks, otherwise the egg will explode... which will be another fun "how-to". Add 1g of salt. Put the bowl in the microwave and cover it with something microwavable. Microwave it for 1minute.


You get a nice muffin style egg that DOES NOT stick to the bowl so you can just rinse it with water afterwards. breakfast done in max. 2 minutes!


william said...

have you considered attaching a video of this instructional? :P ur vague playful language is ambiguous