30 Nov 2009


Just came back refreshed from a Leadership Training Retreat.

Before that, I was already sick, and through the camp it didn't get better. But that's okay.

We first went to Questacon. It's been so long since I got to do something so fun without the responsibility to have to "hang" with people. The first time when it's so relaxing. As in, when we go out these days, even when we go to the beach, we ride the waves and chat and things like that. Whereas in Questacon the pace was much slower. Maybe it's just me going slower but.

Diana taught us heaps. I guess I lack the focus on my own character as a leader, and I always focus on how to equip myself through skills. Missed the most important mark where a leader is a servant. Ministry is also not something to fill up the spare chunks of time spare in our lives. It's a good wakeup call as well, to all my weaknesses.

But other than the info style learning, I also learnt through people. So many people were offering me water because I was sick. Everyone was stopping me from eating junk that would make it worse.

You also thanked every leader for all that we're doing. I always took you for granted as well, just like many others. I guess it's like you were the manna sent from God, at first I was so excited. Then I wanted more, and I'm complaining saying that it used to be better, like when we were in Egypt.

I'm sorry.

Micah 1-3 - Idol-making


An idol is anything that eclipses our worship of God

It doesn't have to be money, or a physical man-made idol looking thing. It could be people, places, thoughts, ideas, emotions and things like that. Most likely for us it's the intangibles that get us.

A lot of people, thoughts and ideas disguise themselves as something good. Like, spending energy in building up relationship with people is a good thing, only when it overtakes God in position that's when it becomes a diversion.

God, help me worship you and you alone.



Devotions on the book of Micah

Micah 1-3 - Idol-making
Micah 4:1-4 - Teach us how to live
Micah 7:15-20 - Our God

Jonah 3-4 - In a Sulk


If we believe that everything around us is a blessing from God, and any suffering that we have is just that He's taking them away, then technically we have no right to sulk about anything.

Two days until death trial. I'll be really angry, God, if I fail!!!

Jonah 1-2 - Resistant or Obedient?


CCYSC vs 21st...

I just talked about it with someone... Where is my heart at? What are my priorities?

I'm too scared to pray about it, because I kind of know what You and you want already.

When I closed my eyes, the Lord's prayer came into my mind. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. .. ..... And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. .... for Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.


Just give me one more year to play around...



Devotions on the book of Jonah

Jonah 1-2 - Resistant or Obedient?
Jonah 3-4 - In a sulk

Obadiah 12-14 - God, The Radical Politician


It's so unfair.

How was Edom meant to know that the God of Israel was the real God? They grew up with the common sense that their own pagan gods were real, since they probably did grant some of their requests. But because of that, doing perfectly normal things such as taunting their enemies (in this case Israel), they get scolded by Obadiah.

So what's going to happen with countries like China, and its province/neighbour country Tibet? Neither of them are favoured, so they're allowed to torment each other?

Israel was born worshiping the right God. Everyone else was born worshiping the wrong gods. Back in the days, they didn't have evangelists. How were they supposed to convert? It's a true example of 屈機.



Devotions on the book of Obadiah

Obadiah 12-14 - God, The Radical Politician

Amos 7:1-9 - Plumb Line


What on earth is a plumb line?

Was it to measure the uprightness of Israel? So that if anything happens, God will spare them no longer?

Someone must've been praying for me all this time, otherwise my head would've been ripped out by the locusts, and I'll be consumed by the fire already. But I'm even smaller than Israel.

How come Israel gets to be cleansed before the sword rises against them? What a bargain.

Amos 2:6-8 - The God of Justice


From my political alignment, You can probably tell that I'm not that sensitive to injustice in the world. Like all those inequalities, drops in moral, discrimination etc don't really impact me as much as more practical things.

I remember a friend from a couple years back, whose father lost their job due to restructure. The family's been relying on the mum's part time income and the dole for a long long time. Then the mother passed away. Like, what?

But even with the other "injustices" that the World hasn't condemned, like trying to make money and use the poor etc... they don't really concern me just because I don't know them.

I don't even read the newspaper anymore.

Maybe I need to learn to be repulsed by injustice.



Devotions on the book of Amos

Amos 2:6-8 - The God of Justice
Amos 7:1-9 - Plumb Line

find some friends n b less sad n learn english plz


i KNOW ur gonna read this, so here goes

what the FUCK is wrong with u. can u plz get out more, n find some friends who aren't boring? do u n ur friends ever even get excited about anything? or maybe, u should WATCH A MOVIE?

r u claiming to kno excitement better than i do? i must quote from somewhere: dude, compared to u, i DEFINE excitement.

r u srs that u havn't heard fucking n bloody used excitedly? u fink they can only b used negatively? well, maybe ur friends r just negative? maybe they don't get out either? let me compile a whole list for u, i can go on all night n fail jap tmr, n i would hav no regrets

- i am fucking finishing exams tomorrow!!!!
- i bloooooody want to go to the beach!!!
- i am going to teach year fucking 11 and 12!!!
- the party was bloooooody awesome!
- the cocktail u made me was fucccckinggggg sick!!!!
- i can't believe i've bloody graduated!!

so u fink slang version of getting excited is "YOUUU BEAUTY!!" .......... that is totally oldschool... n can u honestly say that ppl say it these days? n no, please don't include 50yr olds in this...

please, get with the times, get out more, n b more excitable.

so what if im a bitch, i am a CORRECT bitch.

Joel 2:12-14 - Come back to Me


I really like the Message translation for this passage.

"He takes a deep breath, puts up with a lot, This most patient God, extravagant in love, always ready to cancel catastrophe."

Don't you love it when you're being intentionally annoying, or when you're teasing or did something gay and made someone angry or something, and the person just takes a deep breath and forgets about it? I never thought of You like that, it's somewhat cute.

But even after all that, You just keeps on pleading for us to come back, but all I ever think about is that maybe I've pissed You off.

Prayer: Sunday School


For the whole meeting I was anticipating to be sacked. I thought about all the different ways that my pastor could politely and nicely sack me in front of everyone. I decided it'll probably be like how he announced it last time to some people, just straight facts.

It didn't happen. HAHAHAA

LOL!!! I'm not sacked!!

I prepared my heart so well and saw all these so called signs that we all interpreted to be opportunities for me to step into the water with yr9-10. Looks like WE WERE ALL WRONG.

You are such a trickster, and I love it.

You gave me this extra year, I will work the more harder!


Joel 1:8-10 - Corporate Confession


I remember a time when 3 of us were praying for the community, for the nation, and for our homeland. We all broke down and seriously mourned as if we lost everything.

I don't remember anything like that happening with me for a year or 2 now.

But it did remind me of some song lyrics:

Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am for Your Kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity

Things like that haven't broken my heart to that degree for so long, I still grief for things relating to the Kingdom, but not like Joel 1 style. Maybe I don't know You as well anymore, and I care less nowadays.



Devotions on the book of Joel

Joel 1:8-10 - Corporate Confession
Joel 2:12-14 - Come back to Me

Horses are Vicious


According to the case in English Law: Roscorla v Thomas, it is held that horses are vicious.

Ever since this morning's trauma, I've noticed a lot more horses around. Did you know that outside the Con there's a statue of King Henry on a horse? Near the State Library there are also horses?

After our discussion of how much we want to own a 207cc/307cc and how you want a new TV, these things just keep popping up. Ads of 40" TVs kept being played on the radio. We also saw a million 207cc/307cc's around, some of them driven by old men, maybe it's time to be a golddigger. I didn't know there were so many around, sometimes we're just not alert until we actively talk about the things. (there's something we need to talk about alot then, or else we won't see what He's doing)

I've also never noticed or seen anyone else say "omg... sorry sorry sorry for the hard break!" whenever they hard break with a passenger also sitting in the car. I thought only I did that.

Must start noticing things more... I'm like so blind.

Hosea 11:1-9 - How can I give up on you?


I will not carry out my fierce anger,
       nor will I turn and devastate Ephraim.
       For I am God, and not man—
       the Holy One among you.
       I will not come in wrath.

The Bible has many promises and it's all about the fulfillment of these promises. I think I'm a living testimony of that promise, for now. I wonder what will happen in 20 days time...

10 Nov 2009


I taught the wrong thing this week, officially and unofficially, verbally and through my actions.

Oh man... what's wrong with me this week. Wasting so much time doing something that I don't even know if I'm meant to. >_> Thinking back to Hosea 10, I seriously think I'm plowing the wrong field.

Thursday was audit. How can someone be so raped? Tomorrow is LEGT. Luckily I left my ilecture on at home and was showing as my msn "current track". *breathe* God's last chance for me to cram with a buddy. 2am - 6am, Red Bull here we come!

The good side


That's a picture of a dessert called 心太軟 which I *think* is an HK style dessert? We forgot to take a picture of it when it came, so we turned the plate around until we can take a picture of the side that wasn't devoured.

It looks somewhat okay from this angle (even though there's still the spilling innards on the right). But on the other side, the fillings were actually all spewing out because it's been poked, and the custardy thing outside is broken. (The dessert actually has a hard outer shell and really runny fillings)

Before we ate you made me think, when you said you were incapable of turning SO bad. But just like that picture, we always only present the side that's acceptable to be photographed and left as a memory in people's minds.

Hosea 10:11-12 - Digging in with God


God's dream for us was to be a well trained heifer, and every time we dig into the ground we're doing His work. But instead, we rebel.

Imagine a mad cow running around uncontrollably, ruining the fields. The Farmer actually has the patience and mercy to continue to use these cows. LOL



I bought that boundaries book a month and a bit ago, so I can have clearer Godly boundaries. Nothing changed since the book, because maybe I'm not a think before I do person.
I was told that I crossed the line today.

Where's the line... I didn't think I crossed it. I knew it was iffy, and if someone else told me it, I would be somewhat disturbed. Actually, come to think of it, if my friend told me the same story I would be quite grossed out. But we are so innocent.

Before today, I thought it was just because (as brothers have said) technology doesn't convey tonal expressions well. But then in real life we have just as much fun. Or was it more fun?

Maybe I'm having too much fun.

Why aren't I allowed to be one of them but? This job is so strict...

Need to sit down after exams to draw this line, so mentally I know what I can't let myself do.

Hosea 8:1-3 - Lip Service


This week, I told various people to go and study, and sleep early, and stop going out if they're busy, go offline when it's too late or when they have something due, rest if they're feeling sick, go and talk to that person who they have a problem with, forgive themselves and stop self condemning, recognise the dangers of exams, focus on what's got a deadline rather than what's more important but doesn't have a deadline, work less, say no to the boss, be punctual, live more for self, stop worrying.

Maybe I should talk less, because I didn't act on what I preached at all. 0%. 零的意思.

Non-Widescreen Monitors


A customer asked me about why we don't sell non-widescreen monitors in the consumer range anymore, because he MUST get a standard sized Dell monitor. Okay...? I told them that with today's multimedia demand in the consumer market, nobody wants standard 4:3 sized screens anymore. He yelled at me saying pretty much that I was a fag for not catering for every market demand.

This was his argument:
Standard 20": 16.08" x 12.06" = 258.5664 sq"
WS 20": 17.4" x 9.8" = 170.52 sq"
That's a 34% reduction in total useful screenage.
I used to be like that, that's why my 19" monitor is 4:3 rather than 16:9, when all my friends who bought monitors at the same time as me bought the widescreen one, I kept thinking I was better because I had a MUCH bigger screen.

Well weren't we all fags at one stage or another, not moving on with society, just like hardcore gamers who still only insist on using CRTs because LCDs/LEDs don't show "true" colours.

If only we had the same stubborness on the Truth. Society keeps having newer ideas which seemingly trumps the concepts talked about in the Bible, and our values seem to be barbaric. Like how we think people were created to be heterosexual, and others call us discriminatory. But when you really look at all the evidence and calculate for yourself, you'll see which idea is better, the old or the new?

Prayer groups...


This semester I didn't go to cell group, nor did I go to prayer meetings. I've almost forgotten the sensation of having people pray for you with such good intentions.

Today I went to a fellowship that wasn't really mine. But I enjoyed it so much.

We had quality hymn sharing, an honest devotion sharing, the best Bible study I've had in months and then there was sharing and prayer. Everyone shared about their lives and prayer points, I felt uncomfortable so I just said I had exams.

When we actually prayed, they prayed about all the stuff that I didn't mention, because they knew me as a brother and a sister would know their sibling's situation. One of them even blessed me and my family! When I prayed, I didn't know what to say. I had so much going through my head, but I didn't know how to express it in my weaker language of Cantonese. I just hope you can sense that you guys are always in my prayers too, even though I didn't say much in my prayer out loud tonight. But you're actually hogging up my prayer list. =] Thanks.

Hosea 3:1-3


If I were Hosea, I would've assured myself "no, God will never tell me to do such things! It must be my own voice!" and disregarded the instructions.

A sermon last week talked about forgiveness, that every single relationship issue between people falls down to forgiveness.

Today, my "mum" talked about forgiveness as well. She said that sometimes it's so hard to forgive people, even though you don't do anything, but deep down you know that there's still something wrong. But the hardest thing, says she, was to forgive yourself.

Hosea had to first forgive Gomer, which might be easier if you loved them enough. But how did he forgive himself for letting it happen? And, how did Gomer forgive herself (but she probably wasn't guilty anyway)?

John 8:12 - Jesus is Light


  1. The world is dark, because if Jesus is the Light of the world, then that means nothing else is light and absence of light is darkness.
  2. Eph 6:10-12 > The reason for the darkness in the world
  3. King of the world = Satan, God is only King in the hearts of believers
  4. John 9:1-7 > Nobody works in darkness
    1. Jesus' work is to spread the truth
    2. Night = Jesus' death
  5. What does light mean? Holiness. Sin = darkness
  6. John 12:31-36 > if we want to walk in light, we must follow
  7. Eph 5:8-14 > Sons of light - like a prince wouldn't go begging, we shouldn't go back to darkness
  8. The source of the light is God > so all we have to do is to not block the light. Which means > do not sin as sin blocks His light (darkness).
  9. we walk following the guidance of the Spirit, and light will be shining through us naturally. we don't have to do anything
  10. Matt 5:13-16 > we live in light to glorify God, and witness God. It says here that "we" are the light, not Jesus. but ONLY because Jesus lives in us and is King over us.
  11. Being salt = being influential (like what salt does in soup)

The Spirit:
In OT there's mentions of the Spirit (so it's not really His first debut in Acts) but it seems that the coming of the Spirit onto people in OT is short term. Also in the Gospels, the disciples had to do miracles, but only because Jesus gave them authority to do so, there's no mentions of the Spirit.

Horrific Fate (My life is gone) [OT: Amazing Grace (My Chains are gone)]


Horrific Fate
How unprofound
That raped a bum like me!
The textbook that I tossed
And my phone that I had crowned...
Can't rewind the time for me...

Accounting taught my heart to fear
And pass my fears relieved
How precious did that pass appear
The mail I first received

My life is gone
I've been set free
My course, my degree has rage crumbed me
And like a flood my pumping veins
Unending hate, Accounting Fate

iPhone to my rescue (OT: Came to my Rescue)


falling on my head in cafes
giving all i am to procastinate
sleep, all i am is yours

my whole life i waste in gaming
iphone scramble humble i bow down
in your presence i can't work

i pinged! you answered!!
i can't stop myself playing and i
don't know where my notes are!!!

in my dreams
my mark's so high
but in our world
we kthxbai
with no love
dun wanna try

Hosea 2:14-20 - God as lover


It's funny looking at a relationship where it's one sided, like the guy's really proud of the girl, and would do anything to entertain and win her. But the girl just doesn't really care and is still living the life she did before marriage, or maybe she's forgotten about her relationship.



Devotions on the Book of Hosea

Daniel 12:1-3 - The right path to life


I've been thinking a lot about the End Times in the past month or so, just because of all the disasters that have been happening around us. In CCF, they talked about how the amount of earthquakes have increased every decade and it's like, exponential. Then there's the food shortages, the diseases, the wars, the religious divisions etc. Now we're just waiting on the 2% of prophecies that hasn't been fulfilled yet. And I'm scared. Not because I'm not ready, but tribulation doesn't look too tempting at the moment - even though I keep saying how I wish to be one of those left behind brave troopers.

At this very moment in time, I know I haven't been living with discernment (ie. wisely), because I need so many others to discern for me. But it also hit me that, the reason why God mentioned the people who put others on the right path to life after those who have lived wisely is because, these are the same bunch of people. As in, these wise people lead each other on the right path, and these same people glow like stars forever. Because even Solomon, someone with such discernment, but nobody to hold him accountable, failed.

Last night at UBF a brother asked about why God created hell. If when He created the world, He had a salvation plan and a hell plan, that means He didn't love everyone. That means some people were chosen to be punished. It reminded me of a topic I heard at uni, "神愛世人﹐ 甚至造地獄" . Eternal separation from God is not a torture scheme set by God, it's merely the consequence of people not gaining salvation. Without Eternal Communion with God means Eternal separation. It's merely the absence of God's presence. Hell is not a consequence of God wanting to torture you, it's just that you didn't choose to receive Paradise. And to be wise, we must put others on the right path to life, so that we can glow like stars forever, together as wise people.

Come on it's Fail Break (OT: Come on and Celebrate)


My awesome songwriting partner and I wrote another masterpiece.

(to the tune of come on and celebrate)

Come on and celebrate
The gift of fail we will celebrate
The Dean of Uni who killed us
And stole our lifeeeeee

We'll shout your curse, Oh Bitch
You give us sorrow nothing else can bring
We'll give to you our bombs and knives
In celebration rage!

Come on and celebrate, celebrate
Celebrate and RAGE;
Celebrate and rage, at the Dean!

Come on and celebrate, celebrate
Celebrate and RAGE;
Celebrate and BOMB, UNSW!

An eagle flew past me just then


I was just sitting innocently here in front of my computer, freaking out about my accounting audit exam tomorrow... and an eagle flew past my head... like zoop...

I said to myself, "wow, what a Big Ying!"

Evilness as the absence of God's love


Malachi 3:3 says


Malachi 3:3 says:

"He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver."

This verse puzzled some people in a Bible study and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God.

So someone offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible Study.

That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining silver.

As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities.

The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says:
"He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver."

She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined.

The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.

The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, "How do you know when the silver is fully refined?"

He smiled at her and answered,

"Oh, that's easy -- when I see my image in it."

If today you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember that God has His eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you.

Pass this on right now. This very moment, someone needs to know that God is watching over them. And whatever they're going through, they'll be a better person in the end.

4 Nov 2009


I've been wasting the past weeks or so. Last week was stuvac, I've only taken the Vac part of the word, and not the first bit.

But it was a nice time off to spend some little time with parents, and share with them what's going on, like how I'm no longer allowed to teach yr11-12 next year. And about how big my favouritism has blown up into.

But I think Thursday was when I saw You the most. I spent the afternoon with a sister and brother, to buy baptism presents. Penrith is heaps far, whenever I lift others back to places like West Pennant Hills or something, deep inside I'm like "sigh... so far..." But some people you don't need to count what you've done, and what they've done for you (quoted from someone last night). So is that how Jesus can pay for all our stuffs without feeling ripped?

The brother reminded me of how much money others owe me, and I thought, well, my bank account is down to 1/3 of what it was before. But I don't care. Because with some people, money isn't that important. Oh biasedness.

2 members of the English congregation was baptised on Sunday. One was my ex-student, and one was a little trainee kid who I've spent time with. I was like the proudest parent ever, because even their own parents only parented one of them =p and I had both.

Yesterday I was talking to someone who I never talk to, and she randomly said how she wanted devotional material. So I kind of regurgitated what I did on devotion yesterday. At night, she replied to my email with what she got from the devotion... and questions she had for me... =/ Saddening. Someone who doesn't even treat me as a leader, a mentor, would treat my work so seriously. And people I'm trying to mentor, doesn't.

Today You put an idea in my head, a prayer page? Really? To keep track of how You keep to Your words? Okay.

Daniel 9:4-18 - Confessing for your group


We've heard these stories numerous times, and I remember us thinking the Israelites were so stupid: "How can you not listen to the prophets even though they were obviously right?" It's always easy to judge as an outsider, but come to think of it, we do the same.

God appointed certain people in Israel to remind the people, and lead them back to Him. During bad times, there's sometimes 2 prophets lurking around simultaneously.

Today, we also have similar people, they're not called prophets, but they do a similar thing - bringing people back to Him. And... how often do we listen to these people again? We've also turned a deaf ear to your servants, and all we have to show is our guilt and shame.

Turn your ears our way, God, and listen. Open your eyes and take a long look at our ruined group, this group named after you. We know that we don't deserve a hearing from you. Our appeal is to your compassion. This prayer is our last and only hope.



Last night... all I could think about... was how many ways I have to die...

I couldn't sleep... every time I closed my eyes... the same reoccurring nightmare appeared...


oh Lord.. the knife seemed just so tempting...

The cool sensation as it glides, the blade drawing a line and finally dipping into my veins...

I licked my juicy blood... mmm... tastes like metal ^____^

Is that really you?


I honestly can't say that I know you... and we actually don't talk much at all. We don't do things together, we don't spend time together and we don't share our walks, well not anymore.

But your close friend thought we were tight, so she asked me about you. LOL Is that the image we give out to others? That we're super tight? I told her I don't know anything... for reals. Then she told me why she worried.

Now I'm worried too. I woke up at 8am on my day off today for no reason, thinking about you.

From childhood until now, not that I really noticed you, I've never seen you at such a state. Are you stressed? Or is anger/frustration not something that you like to let on in front of us, your other friends? (are we friends?) I tried to visualise what you did, but I can't. Your facade is better than mine, I guess. I do believe your friend isn't lying to me, but, really? You can do such things?

Girl, there's a lot of people around you, they are always there for you and have been there for you. Don't hurt them anymore. It's a blessing to have someone try so hard, for so long.

You're too easily influenced, or should I say, you are so nice to the extent that anything goes? Come back. Please. There are people waiting for you, praying for you.

Daniel 7:11-14 - King of the Universe


I never really understood for real how God rules as King. If you think back to all the good kings in history, for example all the 1st-2nd kings of each Chinese Dynasty, they rule well in general, and all the peasants love them for they are indirectly benefited.

But we expect God's kingly rule to affect us directly all the time. Like controlling my path directly, and giving me things I want directly.

I thought of Bruce Almighty. He can't just say "yes" every single time. Well He can, but look what happened.

Every time you see nature at its best, that is evidence of God's reign. Even when you look at withering plants, you still see the life that was once there. But we don't seem to link that with his Kingship, because we select what we believe fits the image of a good king.

If God is in charge, right, then we don't really have to be. And I don't know whether it's a habit, because I'm the decision maker a lot of the times, I think deep down I don't really want that. I want to make decisions and God fulfills it for me.

Hm... "Everyone - race, color, and creed - had to serve him". Looks like I've reversed the role, again.



A song came up on my iTunes playlist, I couldn't stop playing it. And I thought about someone.

歌手:薛凱琪 + 方大同
你還好嗎 好久不見 又來這裡 這個老店
後來的你 喜歡了誰 我們 聊聊天

現在的你 一樣美麗 至於愛情 是個回憶
她不愛我 他離開妳 愛會來 就會去

在不同的城市努力 偶然也會想想你
這樣的我 那樣的你 很久才相聚

我們都沒說那遙遠的曾經 我們也沒提那故事的原因
青春的復刻回憶像一片雲 沒法子抓在手裡?
我們的眼淚在複習著過去 我們的微笑是彼此的氧氣
復刻的回憶是封掛號信 多遠都可以找到你

窗外的樹 愛哭的風 煩惱的我 聰明的妳
愛是什麼 什麼人懂 所以 別難過

心還痛嗎 請忘了吧 所謂幸福 是個童話
後來的我 一切隨意 所以 沒關係

把時光倒轉回到那一季 那年的夢 他鄉的你
While I was reminiscing, and self pitying, someone showed me another childhood crush. That was more pleasant, less tragic. But why can't we ever get over past feelings?

Daniel 6:6-10 - When doing the right thing is against the law


It's true, we always remember Daniel being the person in the den, but much less focus is placed on why he needed to be chucked into the den in the first place.

He knelt and prayed to God 3x a day next to his window facing Jerusalem, even after the decree was signed that nobody's allowed to pray to anyone except King Darius.

What would I have done if I were in Daniel's position. Someone who's so used to relying on prayer whenever anything happens. Like, if anything happy happened, or anything sad happens, I'm just so used to saying short prayers or thanksgiving or pleas that I don't think I can stop that altogether. However, I probably won't have the courage to pray next to the window. I imagine myself to pray secretively in a corner where nobody can see, or just pray with my eyes closed not even kneeling down.

The main thing is that Daniel feared our Lord more than he feared Persia and their laws. It requires great discernment to see the difference between what's right and what's lawful, especially now that our moral values are based largely upon what the law says.

I pray that I'll have Daniel's discernment to see what I should do to be Godly, and that He can be glorified like He was when Daniel was thrown into the den.

Daniel 3:19-27 - Not a scorch mark


Who was the 4th person? What purpose did he serve in the story?

I tried... this miracle has no impact on me at the moment. Maybe we're just too numbed by the awesomeness of God. We just accept that He's awesome, without really thinking through what He does and who He really is.

The fire is a good reminder though. Those who walked in with God, stayed unscorched. Those who went in with them without protection, perished.



Devotions on the Book of Daniel