Horses are Vicious

According to the case in English Law: Roscorla v Thomas, it is held that horses are vicious.

Ever since this morning's trauma, I've noticed a lot more horses around. Did you know that outside the Con there's a statue of King Henry on a horse? Near the State Library there are also horses?

After our discussion of how much we want to own a 207cc/307cc and how you want a new TV, these things just keep popping up. Ads of 40" TVs kept being played on the radio. We also saw a million 207cc/307cc's around, some of them driven by old men, maybe it's time to be a golddigger. I didn't know there were so many around, sometimes we're just not alert until we actively talk about the things. (there's something we need to talk about alot then, or else we won't see what He's doing)

I've also never noticed or seen anyone else say "omg... sorry sorry sorry for the hard break!" whenever they hard break with a passenger also sitting in the car. I thought only I did that.

Must start noticing things more... I'm like so blind.