- The world is dark, because if Jesus is the Light of the world, then that means nothing else is light and absence of light is darkness.
- Eph 6:10-12 > The reason for the darkness in the world
- King of the world = Satan, God is only King in the hearts of believers
- John 9:1-7 > Nobody works in darkness
- Jesus' work is to spread the truth
- Night = Jesus' death
- What does light mean? Holiness. Sin = darkness
- John 12:31-36 > if we want to walk in light, we must follow
- Eph 5:8-14 > Sons of light - like a prince wouldn't go begging, we shouldn't go back to darkness
- The source of the light is God > so all we have to do is to not block the light. Which means > do not sin as sin blocks His light (darkness).
- we walk following the guidance of the Spirit, and light will be shining through us naturally. we don't have to do anything
- Matt 5:13-16 > we live in light to glorify God, and witness God. It says here that "we" are the light, not Jesus. but ONLY because Jesus lives in us and is King over us.
- Being salt = being influential (like what salt does in soup)
The Spirit:
In OT there's mentions of the Spirit (so it's not really His first debut in Acts) but it seems that the coming of the Spirit onto people in OT is short term. Also in the Gospels, the disciples had to do miracles, but only because Jesus gave them authority to do so, there's no mentions of the Spirit.
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