I find that I have problems reading passages like this one, whenever there's verses relating to calling etc, I always think that it only applies to the author. For example, v2 "He sent me to preach good news to the poor, heal the heartbroken", I read it in the perspective of Isaiah. But I've never considered that it could also apply to me.
Isaiah 61:1-11 - Rescue and Release
1 commentsPosted by H T at Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Isaiah 54:4-10 - My love won't walk away
0 commentsI went to a single sex school, an all girls' school. I've seen every possible episode of friendships breaking, mending, breaking, mending. Love back in the junior years was so insecure.
Posted by H T at Friday, July 10, 2009
Isaiah 53:2-12 - The Suffering Servant
1 commentsOne of the most common things people list as causing the most anger, would probably be betrayal/being framed. Ever experienced being framed for something? When I was in year 1, (that's when I was 5-6yrs old), I was framed for stealing in class.
Posted by H T at Thursday, July 09, 2009
Isaiah 49:13-18 - The (Un)Forgetful God of Heaven
0 commentsEveryone's experienced a time when someone is naming a list of people, maybe in a community or a group or part of a project or whatever, and they have forgotten your name. You feel a sense of, "ouch, rejected".
Posted by H T at Wednesday, July 08, 2009
7 Jul 2009
0 commentsDo you ever get the feeling where you look back at something you just said 1 second ago, and think "hang on, I'm not that mature". Recently I've had a few occasions where I was in the position to give advice to various people. I was able to sensibly give a well thought answer in all incidents. And I kept thinking "hang on, my maturity isn't of that level to give such good advice..." Maybe they were God Encounters.
Posted by H T at Tuesday, July 07, 2009
"If you want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the boat" - Chapter 3
2 commentsChapter 3 is titled Discerning the Call.
Posted by H T at Monday, July 06, 2009
"If you want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the boat" - Chapter 2
0 commentsEven though I've finished chapter 2 of this book for a long, long time, I've only had the self discipline to write a reflection on it now. One of many things that I should be ashamed of.
Posted by H T at Monday, July 06, 2009
Wake Up!
0 commentsI had a few wake up calls lately. There's this brother in Christ who has quite different worldly views as me, so of course these differences will sometimes lead to slightly different interpretation to our Christian values. Well only trivial ones, I do hope that our belief on our Christian Doctrines are the same, otherwise that's another issue... But as we're both quite stubborn, we never really reach any conclusions.
Posted by H T at Monday, July 06, 2009
Isaiah 46:1-7 - Dependable Gods?
7 commentsBefore reading today's devotion, I prayed about how it's sometimes difficult for me to attach myself emotionally to Him, because He is so abstract. And I named a few of my "ideas" to make myself a better person.
Posted by H T at Monday, July 06, 2009
Isaiah 43:1-4 - You're Mine
0 commentsInitially when I read the passage, I though, what? God is a biased God and is willing to trade off all the lives of the Egyptians and people in Cush and Seba just so Israelites can have their way? What happened to loving the world, and if Jesus' life was okay to redeem the world, and the world's lives are okay to redeem Israel, through "transitive" mathematics, does that mean Israel > Jesus?
Posted by H T at Friday, July 03, 2009
Isaiah 37:9-20 - The only God there is
2 commentsHow come Hezekiah gets to go inside the sancturary of the Lord? That's not fair, I thought only the high priests could do that. Well, other than that, it's interesting to see how differenty he reacted to a crisis as compared with the King of Assyriah.
Posted by H T at Friday, July 03, 2009
Isaiah 35:4-9 - Pictures of Restoration
0 commentsHow embarassing, it's been such a long time since posting. But this passage speaks in such perfect timing.
Posted by H T at Wednesday, July 01, 2009