Even though I've finished chapter 2 of this book for a long, long time, I've only had the self discipline to write a reflection on it now. One of many things that I should be ashamed of.
The title of the chapter was Boat Potatoes. A good pun on "couch potatoes", of which I am one. It talks about how people find comfort in staying inside the boat, because it is an environment that we are familiar with. We look outside the boat, and see the storm, which isn't something that we're comfortable and familiar with (I hope).
It's a good concept for me, as a couch potato, because I can really see what image the author's trying to create. It's like you're watching TV, during the ad-break, you look across to your desk and see a pile of things you're supposed to do. But since the TV gives you more comfort, you stay watching the ads.
But one good thing about being a "boat potato" in the Christian walk is that we get to see "what it could be". Just like how Peter walked on water, the other disciples got to see "what it could be" for them, if they conjure up the courage.
The chapter also touches a bit on "gifts". How God doesn't need massive talents to make something out of you. He can turn any of your talents into something that matters for eternity. And how Sloth and Fear is the most common reason for not stepping out of the boat (hence boat potatoes).
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