I went to a single sex school, an all girls' school. I've seen every possible episode of friendships breaking, mending, breaking, mending. Love back in the junior years was so insecure.
Here, our redeemer God is saying that He once turned His back on us, but only for a moment. From that moment on, (where the Israelites had a bad scene with God, again), we were able to enjoy the angerless God. He promised that His love won't walk away from us, and His covenant commitment of peace won't fall apart. And we are certain that it is impossible for God to lie, therefore we are the luckiest generation alive. Until Isaiah, we've seen two covenants, Noah's rainbow and this covenant here. So we'll never have the same flood that Noah's had, and we'll never have the same anger that the Israelites had. Are we not living the life or what?
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