7 Jul 2009

Do you ever get the feeling where you look back at something you just said 1 second ago, and think "hang on, I'm not that mature". Recently I've had a few occasions where I was in the position to give advice to various people. I was able to sensibly give a well thought answer in all incidents. And I kept thinking "hang on, my maturity isn't of that level to give such good advice..." Maybe they were God Encounters.

Lately, everyone around me seems to want to hear God's voice. We want to know what His answers are to all our questions. What's my personal purpose/goal in life, what role did God want me to take up? Or, is she/he the one for me? Or, I think I heard a calling, but it might be my own voice. Etc etc. The list goes on. I think everybody, at one point in their lives, have said "wouldn't it be nice if God spoke to me physically face to face like he did with Adam?" Things would be so much simpler. But He doesn't, because He's God and we're human. So all we can do is just sit and wait and try to listen to His soft voice. Waiting.

There's a saying in the Chinese culture which says "one who is close to ink is black" (sorry, dodgy straight translation there) and it implies that if your friends are evil, you'll turn evil. That's the second part of the idiom, the first part says if your friends are good, you'll turn good. But in the Bible, Jesus approaches the "sinners" of those days, prostitutes and tax collectors. He is able to become their "good friend" and bring upon change. What happens in the case where we're not strong enough, and one black sheep turns a group of people bad? Do we still try and spread the Gospel to them even though we've failed to influence good deeds on them? Hm...