Matthew 19:3-9 - The softened heart

So this passage on divorce comes straight after the parable of the unforgiving servant, who won't waive the debt of another man, but his master waived all of his HUGE debt.

Having a hardened heart, which ultimately leading to a divorce in marriage doesn't exactly apply to me, even slightly. But then again, we "divorce" many things in life... leaving projects, leaving a church, leaving a group of friends, leaving a work place, leaving a school, changing degrees etc etc. Some of those don't require our hearts to be that hard, while others need us to build our heart up like a fort. Imagine changing friends, I've had the privilege of staying with the same group of friends throughout High School, but it would've been a huge decision for the ones who change groups. Or leaving a work place. When I left CSO, I felt so empty. Right now, even though work is really far, and I'm really tempted to find a job at Towers, I don't want to change jobs because the people are so awesome. Imagine making the decision to leave.

Why are some things so bad, that we can't even attempt to tolerate? Hardening our hearts don't feel good at all, and yet I can recall a time when I had to do it very recently.

When the servant pleaded, "Give me a chance", there was mercy. I hope I can give mercy.