Mark 2:1-12 - Paralyzed and desperate

So cool. This is the exact passage we looked at in Sunday School today, even though I missed most of it due to teaching in another class.

The thing that I always miss is the fact that it's not the paralyzed one who came to Jesus. So the ones with faith are actually his 4 friends, the ones who brought him to Jesus. "Impressed by their bold belief, Jesus said to the paraplegic, 'Son, I forgive your sins.'"

How often do we bring people in need TO Jesus? There's nothing we can do, but we can always bring them to God through prayer. And I guess I need to start practicing my faith, as that's what healed the paralyzed.

I tried putting myself in each of those character's shoes (well, except Jesus and the Pharisees)... I think I relate to those in the crowd. Yep, the boring ones.

Jesus' purpose was to preach, but He heals randomly when people go up to Him for healing.