Ecclesiastes 2:4-10 - Giving in to every impulse

Pleasures I pursued in the past week:

  1. Eating out unnecessarily
  2. Bludged and gamed during assignment times
  3. Skipped lectures just for chills
  4. Spending unnecessarily more money on my hair at a top salon
  1. To enjoy the pleasures of taste, and to feel the elegant ambience.
  2. To escape the stress and go with the laziness
  3. Laziness and the temptation of spending time with friends
  4. Just wanted to pamper myself, reward myself for no particular reason
What does it mean to pursue pleasure? I don't know, is it supposed to lie to us? Probably. It tells us that we need it, that it's better for us. But in the end we probably have to end up doing extra to catch up. Spending unnecessary money would mean that we can buy less later, or we have to work more. Skipping lectures mean that you'll be worse off in the exams.

Everyone loves a bit of pleasure... but what pleasures are worth pursuing? We can't say we want to live a life without pleasure in a prayer to God, because that most-likely won't be from your heart. And when God grants your wish, you will be crying and nobody will pity you.

The aim for this week is to notice every motive behind pursuing any pleasure, be it big or small. I'm bludging today already, and the motive is to gain more sleep... Is it worth it?