The author of Ecclesiastes is writing in the perspective of an aged person, making a warning to all the youths out there to relish our lives. It's true, old people's bodies don't listen to the brain as much as ours does.
My grandpa is like 90 or something, I remember when I was younger and he was about 60-70, he played with me in the park, took me around to places etc. Now I have to take him around to places. He used to have a very just personality, very quiet and just kept to himself, and in my memory has a very clear conscience. Now he's very pessimistic and morbid, and talks about how the only thing he's waiting for is my graduation, but thinks he can't wait that long etc... it's quite saddening for people around him.
I once heard the sharing of a brother in Christ I really respect... He said that he spent 10 years in Uni and the Uni fellowship called CCF. Some people said he wasted his time, or asking him every year "are you STILL here!?" (most people in CCF stay for 3-5yrs, the length of a degree) But he said, he's really glad he made the decision, and he believes he spent his prime years in God's work and is a great blessing for him. I agree with him. How many more years can we stay up the entire night working on a promotional poster? Or making welcome back for newcomers? Or travel to different places finding props? Or do a lot of physically and mentally draining preparation for programs?
We MUST make use of our youth...
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