年幼時, 身邊的長輩都充滿智慧, 非常有能力。一直長大學
已兩年沒見恩師, 今天終與“同門師兄”和她小聚。她比以
這短短的兩小時她向我啟示了很多的道理, 留下了給我修練
她說: 當學習做一件事時, 若不能跟着指示成功完成任務, 就不能
我一點也不明白聖經。我可以將意思表達, 卻不能跟足教導
兩年裏忽略了太多, 也被“知識”麻醉了太久。希望身邊的
1 commentsPosted by H T at Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Isaiah 31:1-3 - Thinking that horses can help
0 commentsJust like the people back in the days putting their security in horses and chariots, we put comfort in things other than God. We ALL do. Like money, our own intellect, friends, relationships etc all these things make us feel comfortable. When we lack something, we want to fill it up again so we feel secure.
Posted by H T at Friday, June 05, 2009
Isaiah 27:1-5 - A Strong God
0 commentsThe first section of the passage talks about God slaying Leviathan, which probably symbolises Satan's messenger person since in Revalations 13 it talks about the beast out of the water. It would be so cool if this description ends up to be literal and we all get to see this sea dragon!
Posted by H T at Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Solomon (person)
0 commentsGender: Male
Spouse: 700 wives and 300 concubines (1 Kings 11:3) of which included Pharoah's daughter as a wife
Parents: Father is David and Mother is Bathsheba
Period of Activity: he reigned during 971 - 931 BC, but don't know when he's born.
Posted by H T at Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Book of Isaiah
0 commentsThe Book of Isaiah is the 23rd book of the Bible in the Old Testament. It's quoted many times in the Bible in the New Testament.
Posted by H T at Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Isaiah (person)
0 commentsIsaiah was a famous prophet from the Bible who is also traditionally believed to be the author of the Book of Isaiah. He was the prophet most famous for his prophecies about Jesus' coming.
Posted by H T at Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Bible Info
2 commentsA recollection of my slowly developing knowledge about the Bible, its authors, different stories and characters.
Posted by H T at Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Isaiah 11:6-9 - The peaceable kingdom of God
2 commentsA tranquil, peaceful and harmonious description of His Kingdom. Animals which are traditionally considered to be predators like the lions, leopards, bears, wolves etc are being put next to traditionally peaceful/defenseless animals like the lamb, little children etc.
That's the way it's supposed to be. Before Genesis 9, I believe that no animals attacked humans. Little children probably can put their hands near the mouths of the cobras and be totally safe. The carnivores are also grazing along with the cows, which is a bit strange. Animals might've always been herbivores before Genesis 9 as well, just like humans were. Nature and all creation is under birth pain at the moment, we probably all want to rid ourselves of the curse.
For me, the scariest creatures are probably ALL insects, wild cats (especially at night), rats, birds and all other dirty things. Whenever there's an insect in my room, my whole body tenses... and then call for help without removing my eyes from the insect. Yes, my eyes are ALWAYS set on the insect, because they are tricky monsters, whenever you lose sight of them, even for half a second, they WILL disappear and hide. Imagine living harmoniously with dirty moths... or sleeping on the same bed as rats. A horrible visual. But maybe moths in heaven are not dirty, nor are rats. Maybe birds no longer swoop at anybody and leaves their "marks" on anyone. Maybe insects no longer surprises people with their unhygenic bodies, or scare anyone by landing on them... That would be an awesome place to live in. Definately a tempting environment to live in indeed.
Thank you Lord for making an environment so comfortable for us. But come to think of it, maybe I'll be the one who will be changed, not the creatures. A new attitude in heaven perhaps? That way every living thing can live harmoniously as well, who knows?
Posted by H T at Tuesday, June 02, 2009